Seeing Art Through A Lens
I’m not sure if it was from reading "The Creative Act: A Way Of Being” by Rick Rubin lately (shoutout Natalie Lynn for the recommendation), or just from spending so much time behind the camera lately. But tonight, I was hit with a realization while going through the photos I took today at Musical Practice. I’m not a huge fan of musicals—actually, I hate them. My wife is constantly NOT being able to carry a tune around the house to the soundtrack to this musical or that one. It might be the only downside of our relationship. But, I was asked to be the photographer for my son’s High School's musical, being that both of my Kids are in it, I had to say yes.
I get to go through this experience with the boys and document it for them. What I didn't expect to happen was for me to learn what I did tonight.
To appreciate different forms of art. The same as musicals, dance, figure skating, things of this nature, never really caught my attention. But tonight, I saw something different. I was walking around taking photos, and I saw the choreographer working with a cast member. Her role is “The Enchantress” in Beauty And The Beast Jr. The moment I saw it happening I knew I needed photos. But, when I put my eye through the viewfinder I saw something way different than I expected. It was art, it was creativity, it was using the human body for expression. I don't know if it was the lighting, seeing it through my Nifty Fifty on my cannon, or the Rick Rubin quote I read the other night.
"To create is to bring something into existence that wasn’t there before. It could be a conversation, the solution to a problem, a note to a friend."
Creativity is everything we do as humans. I’m learning that, just because something isn't my preferred art form, doesn't mean it’s not art. There’s beauty in everything around us—you just have to know how to look for it. I have people ask me, "What type of photographer are you?” The more photos I take the harder that answer gets. I'm not a wedding photographer, or a real estate photographer. I'm not going to specialize in maternity or infant photos.
I want to capture it all—people doing what they love, being with the people they love.